Programming Language Keywords
This page shows statistics on the popularity of keywords and other reserved words across a number of programming languages.
Ten languages have been selected, to get good coverage of contemporary coding practices.
| Keyword (permanently reserved word) |
| Contextual (reserved in some contexts) |
Keywords shared by 10 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
else |
for |
if |
return |
Keywords shared by 9 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
break |
while |
Keywords shared by 8 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
case |
continue |
do |
Keywords shared by 7 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
const |
default |
false |
False |
true |
True |
yield |
Keywords shared by 6 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
class |
goto |
static |
switch |
try |
Keywords shared by 5 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
and |
as |
enum |
finally |
in |
interface |
or |
super |
var |
Keywords shared by 4 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
abstract |
async |
await |
catch |
float |
from |
import |
int |
long |
new |
null |
package |
private |
protected |
public |
struct |
throw |
void |
with |
Keywords shared by 3 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
char |
double |
eval |
extends |
extern |
final |
foreach |
global |
implements |
instanceof |
let |
map |
match |
next |
not |
print |
self |
set |
short |
this |
type |
typeof |
use |
volatile |
when |
Keywords shared by 2 languages
Keyword |
C |
C# |
Go |
Java |
JS |
Perl |
Python |
Ruby |
Rust |
alias |
assert |
bool |
byte |
callable |
cmp |
def |
elsif |
exit |
fn |
format |
function |
get |
is |
list |
module |
namespace |
object |
open |
override |
range |
readonly |
record |
redo |
ref |
require |
sealed |
select |
sizeof |
trait |
unless |
unsafe |
until |
virtual |
where |
xor |